Friday, October 3, 2014

Passing bind variable value from view criteria(af:query) to next page


 User performs search on Employee Name and if there is no record in the data base with that name then user would click on Create employee button which takes to create employee page and the employee name should be populated with the name, user entered in the search criteria.


Create the view criteria on the view object and create the search form based on the view criteria.

Create java implementation class for the view object on which the View Criteria is defined and make sure you include the bind variable accessors

Select the get method of bind variable and make it available to the client or in other words expose it.

Drag and drop the getinFirstName method on to the task-flow as method activity which will give us the value in the bind variable which user enters while performing the search.

As the user needs to be redirected to Create Employee page and the first name should be populated,. Follow the steps below to achieve the before mentioned.

Open the getinFirstName method page definition file and create a Create Insert operation action binding

Select the getinFirstName method activity on the taskflow and change the value of the method property to managed bean method you just created.

Place the following code in the managed bean method.

    public void createEmployee() {

        OperationBinding op = ADFUtils.findOperation("getinFirstName");
        String name = (String)op.execute();
        JSFUtils.setExpressionValue("#{pageFlowScope.firstName}", name);
        op = ADFUtils.findOperation("CreateInsert");
 Once you get the bind variable value you can access it either from the page flow scope or you can populate it into the new inserted row.

I am using page flow scope variable to populate the first name in the create employee page.

Your task flow should look as the screen shot below

Monday, September 29, 2014

Creating EJB query with Criteria Builder

Just documenting it for future purposes or any one in need of help

import javax.persistence.EntityManager;
import javax.persistence.TemporalType;
import javax.persistence.TypedQuery;
import javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder;
import javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaQuery;
import javax.persistence.criteria.Join;
import javax.persistence.criteria.JoinType;
import javax.persistence.criteria.ParameterExpression;
import javax.persistence.criteria.Path;
import javax.persistence.criteria.Predicate;
import javax.persistence.criteria.Root;

public class SampleCriteriaBuilder {

EntityManager entityManager = null;
CriteriaBuilder criteriaBuilder;
List<Predicate> andPredicates = new ArrayList<Predicate>();
TypedQuery<YourDTOObjectRoot> query;

    public SampleCriteriaBuilder(EntityManager entityManager) {

        this.entityManager = entityManager;

        criteriaBuilder = this.entityManager.getCriteriaBuilder();
        criteriaQuery = criteriaBuilder.createQuery(YourDTOObject.class);

        yourDTOObjectRoot = criteriaQuery.from(yourDTOObject.class);

        childTable1Root = yourDTOObjectRoot.join("childTable1", JoinType.LEFT);
        childTable2Root = yourDTOObjectRoot.join("childTable2", JoinType.LEFT);
    // Like clause
         Predicate likePredicate =
 "%" + value + "%");
        // In clause

           String commaSepValue = "one,two,three,four";
            javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder.In<String> inClause =

           List commaSepValueList = commaSepValue.split(",");
            for (String valueTaken : commaSepValueList) {

        // Or Clause
            Predicate orClause =
                criteriaBuilder.or(criteriaBuilder.equal(childTable1Root.get("someProperty"), "someValue"),"someProperty"),"otherValue"));           
        //Comparision between two dates
        Path timeStampPath = yourDTOObjectRoot.<Date>get("timestamp");

        ParameterExpression<Date> dateFromExp = criteriaBuilder.parameter(Date.class);
        ParameterExpression<Date> dateToExp = criteriaBuilder.parameter(Date.class);

        Predicate predicate_date = criteriaBuilder.between(timeStampPath, dateFromExp, dateToExp);
                Predicate[] predicates = (Predicate[])andPredicates.toArray(new Predicate[andPredicates.size()]);


        query = entityManager.createQuery(criteriaQuery);

        query.setParameter(dateFromExp, dateFrom, TemporalType.DATE);
        query.setParameter(dateToExp, dateTo, TemporalType.DATE);

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Ant script - Pre-compile JSPX files - ADF application

I happened to work on implementing the pre-compile jsps for our application and on doing a web search I came across the following blog and it was spot on

and had to just re-use it.

I made the changes according to our application and run the ant task.

Started compiling jspx files but suddenly it fallover with the following error.

There are 1 nested errors:

The type javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.BodyTagSupport cannot be resolved. It is indirectly referenced from required .class files
The type javax.el.ValueExpression cannot be resolved. It is indirectly referenced from required .class files

For some reason it was not able to figure out BodyTagSupport class or may be it could not find the class at designated place.

I have changed the script to include weblogic.jar to the class path and it was all fine.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>

<project name="AppcTest" default="precompile" basedir=".">
  <description>Sample build file using Ant to call WLS APPC</description>
  <property name="wls_root" value="/oracle/fmwhome"/>
  <property name="wls_home" value="${wls_root}/wlserver_10.3"/>
  <property name="adf_lib_root"
  <property name="java_home" value="/oracle/javahome"/>
  <property name="common_lib_root"

  <property name="ear_root"   value="${ear.root}"/>

  <path id="wls.classpath">
    <pathelement path="${wls_home}/server/lib/weblogic.jar"></pathelement>
  <echo message="Setting path"></echo>
  <property name="" refid="wls.classpath"/>
  <echo>PATH = "${}"</echo>
  <taskdef name="wlappc" classpathref='wls.classpath'
  <target name="precompile" description="Calls WLS APPC to pre-compile an EAR">
    <wlappc source="${ear_root}/deploy/ear-file-name.ear" verbose="true"

      <library file="${common_lib_root}/jstl-1.2.war"/>
      <library file="${common_lib_root}/jsf-1.2.war"/>
      <library file="${adf_lib_root}/oracle.adf.view_11.1.1
      <library file="${adf_lib_root}/oracle.adf.model_11.1.1
      <library file="${wls_root}/Oracle_SOA1/soa/modules
      <library file="${wls_root}/Oracle_SOA1/soa/modules

Custom ADF application through BPM workspace - Null Pointer Exception - when performed action on the last worklist item in the workspace


   While working on a custom ADF application which is accessed through the BPM workspace whose taskflows are generated from human tasks encountered the issue as described below.
   Accessing the last item in the worklist and perform action which deletes the item from the worklist.
   If the action is performed as part of workspace inbox, everything works fine.
   Worklist throws a null pointer exception if the user double clicks and opens up worklist item in the separate window and submits any outcome.

   The popup window goes blank and throws up the NPE. Close the window and refresh the inbox, the worklist item is gone as expected but with the error. 

   Please find the error below.

Caused By: java.lang.NullPointerException
        at oracle.bpel.worklistapp.util.WorklistServiceUtil.isTaskFlow(
        at oracle.bpel.worklistapp.tasklist.beans.controller.TaskController.launchTaskDetails(
        at oracle.bpel.worklistapp.tasklist.beans.controller.TaskController.launchExternalWindow(
        at oracle.bpel.worklistapp.tasklist.beans.controller.TaskController.fetchNewTask(


   Here I go thinking to solve the issue started looking at
      1. Method bindings - whether they are pointing to the correct method, iterator etc.,
      2. Anything unusual in Page Definition file.
   Nothing un usual in the JSPX, pagedef. So started looking at the human task itself from which the ADF taskflow is generated.    
      3. Suspected that there is no outcome of such which is being executed, but everything is fine :(
   Flushed out all the thoughts and started looking at ADF taskflow and found the issue with the control flows.

   So, here is the solution which is simple but took a while to figure out. 
    1. Go to the bounded taskflow and create control flow between jspx and taskFlowRefresh return activity.
    2. Make sure the outcome of the return activity is "done".